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Rose Hernan

Rose studied Bachelor of Media & Bachelor of Arts (English) at The University of Adelaide and is the Corporate Communications & Events Summer Intern at RAA

8.30 AM

You know it’s going to be a good day because Adelaide Metro miraculously gets me to work on time! I check my emails and my calendar to see what’s coming up for the day and take a look at the media mentions that have come in overnight. Part of my job here has been to collate a media report which highlights all the times RAA has been mentioned in the papers, on TV and radio each week, so I add in all the new mentions to this week’s report.

9.00 AM

I grab a coffee with the Risk and Compliance intern, and we talk about what’s coming up this week including our Wellbeing and Resilience training, our group project catch-up and the ‘lunch and learn’ session tomorrow. Lunch and learns are a weekly lunch meeting with all the interns hosted by someone who works in RAA. They teach us about the business or go through some professional development with us. This week’s session is being hosted by Organisational Capability and is about having a growth mindset.

9.15 AM

It’s time for the Corporate Communications team stand up meeting. With some people working from home and others in the office it’s great to see everyone and hear about what’s happening. We discuss events and community engagement projects, RAA’s biggest media stories, what’s happening on socials and how the bi-weekly internal newsletter is progressing.

Day in the life Rose Hernan RAA

9.30 AM

I’m excited to be helping out with recording this month’s Roadside Assistance Patrol podcast! I head down to the studio for three hours where I’m promoted to ‘Assistant Executive Producer’ for the day. The podcast is a lot of fun, both to make and listen to, as it’s hosted by my manager, who is the Events Coordinator at RAA, and the Senior Manager of Road Service Delivery who both have a lot of fun with it. I had a great time being involved and it’s wonderful that the Patrols have something as engaging as this podcast to listen to while out on the road!

Siobhan, the Data Science Intern, reads the news segment and it is great to collaborate with her on another project. I am then interviewed about my time at RAA so far, which is a bit scary but also a lot of fun to be ‘on the air’.

12.30 PM

Lunch time! I grab the special on the café menu, today it’s chicken shawarma with couscous, lemon and feta as well as some Lebanese flat bread (for only $6 might I add…) and join the other six interns to get some fresh air and eat in the sunny outside area.

1.00 PM

I get to work writing up some articles for The Buzz, RAA’s internal newsletter that goes to all staff twice a week. I write a story on a staff member retiring at the end of the month, as well as another story about my experience from the previous week volunteering at Foodbank, one of RAA’s community partners.

2.00 PM

It’s time for a group project meeting! As part of our internship program, the cohort of interns have been tasked with coming up with five recommendations for RAA to improve the organisation’s environmental sustainability. We have been asked to put these recommendations in a report and present them to our managers and some other RAA staff on the last day of our internship. At the moment we’re practicing our presentation and fine tuning the content, so we run through each of our parts and practice with the PowerPoint. It’s a little rough but we’ve got plenty of time to practice so we’re all feeling confident and excited to share our ideas.

4.30 PM

It’s time to head home and get ready to do it all again tomorrow!